Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country. Karl Kraus
Squeeze human nature into the straitjacket of criminal justice and crime will appear. Karl Kraus
Culture is the tacit agreement to let the means of subsistence disappear behind the purpose of existence. Civilization is the subordination of the latter to the former. Karl Kraus
Democracy means the opportunity to be everyone's slave. Karl Kraus
The discovery of the North Pole is one of those realities which could not be avoided. It is the wages which human perseverance pays itself when it thinks that something is taking too long. The world needed a discoverer of the North Pole, and in all areas of social activity, merit was less important here than opportunity. Karl Kraus
The sound principle of a topsy-turvy lifestyle in the framework of an upside-down world order has stood every test. Karl Kraus
Adults who still derive childlike pleasure from hanging gifts of a ready-made education on the Christmas tree of a child waiting outside the door to life do not realize how unreceptive they are making the children to everything that constitutes the true surprise of life. Karl Kraus
Education is a crutch with which the foolish attack the wise to prove that they are not idiots. Karl Kraus
It is the style of idealism to console itself for the loss of something old with the ability to gape at something new. Karl Kraus
Journalist: a person without any ideas but with an ability to express them; a writer whose skill is improved by a deadline: the more time he has, the worse he writes. Karl Kraus
Democracy divides people into workers and loafers. It makes no provision for those who have no time to work. Karl Kraus
If the reporter has killed our imagination with his truth, he threatens our life with his lies. Karl Kraus
Matrimony is the union of meanness and martyrdom. Karl Kraus
The press, that goiter of the world, swells up with the desire for conquest and bursts with the achievements which every day brings. A week has room for the boldest climax of the human drive for expansion. Karl Kraus
Progress, under whose feet the grass mourns and the forest turns into paper from which newspaper plants grow, has subordinated the purpose of life to the means of subsistence and turned us into the nuts and bolts for our tools. Karl Kraus
In these great times which I knew when they were this small; which will become small again, provided they have time left for it in these times in which things are happening that could not be imagined and in which what can no longer be imagined must happen, for if one could imagine it, it would not happen; in these serious times which have died laughing at the thought that they might become serious; which, surprised by their own tragedy, are reaching for diversion and, catching themselves red-handed, are groping for words... in these times you should not expect any words of my own from me -- none but these words which barely manage to prevent silence from being misinterpreted. Karl Kraus
Morality is a venereal disease. Its primary stage is called virtue; its secondary stage, boredom; its tertiary stage, syphilis. Karl Kraus
News reports stand up as people, and people wither into editorials. ClichTs walk around on two legs while men are having theirs shot off. Karl Kraus
The psychoanalysts pick our dreams as if they were our pockets. Karl Kraus
The ultimate aim of psychoanalysis is to attribute art to mental weakness, and then to trace the weakness back to the point where, according to analytic dogma, it originated -- namely, the lavatory. Karl Kraus
When a culture feels that its end has come, it sends for a priest. Karl Kraus
Scandal begins when the police put a stop to it. Karl Kraus
Science is spectral analysis. Art is light synthesis. Karl Kraus
The world has become uglier since it began to look into a mirror every day; so let us settle for the mirror image and do without an inspection of the original. Karl Kraus
Sexuality poorly repressed unsettles some families; well repressed, it unsettles the whole world. Karl Kraus