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Marriage quotes, quotations, sayings

A man in love is incomplete until he has married -- then he's finished.
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Between husband and wife there should be no secrets from one another. I have a very high opinion of the marriage tie. I hold that husband and wife merge in each other.
Mahatma Gandhi
Marriage is like life
it is a field of battle, not a bed of roses.
Are you happy or are you married?
the first thing my friend Rob asked when met after 5 years.
Marriage must incessantly contend with a monster that devours everything familiarity.
Honore' de Balzac
No man is regular in his attendance at the House of Commons until he is married.
Benjamin Disraeli
A marriage is no amusement but a solemn act, and generally a sad one.
Queen Victoria
Ah Mozart He was happily married
but his wife wasn't.
The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Call no man unhappy until he is married.
I don't object to sex before marriage, but two minutes before?!?
Serocki's Stricture: Marriage is always a bachelor's last option.
A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.
John Steinbeck
My advice to you is get married if you find a good wife youll be happy if not, youll become a philosopher.
When you get married you forget about kissing other women.
Pat Boone
It is a sad fact that 50 percent of marriages in this country end in divorce. But hey, the other half end in death. You could be one of the lucky ones!
Richard Jeni
Marriage is the union of disparate elements. Male and female. Yin and yang. Proton and electron. What are we talking about here Nothing less than the very tension that binds the universe. You see, when we look at marriage, people, we're are looking at creation itself. I am the sky, says the Hindu bridegroom to the bride. You are the earth. We are sky and earth united.... You are my husband. You are my wife. My feet shall run because of you. My feet shall dance because of you. My heart shall beat because of you. My eyes see because of you. My mind thinks because of you and I shall love because of you.
Andrew Schneider
An isolated outbreak of virginity is a rash on the face of society. It arouses only pity from the married, and embarrassment from the single.
Charlotte Bingham
When a girl marries, she exchanges the attentions of all the other men of her acquaintance for the inattention of just one.
Helen Rowland
One should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the soul.
Honore' de Balzac
It is he who has broken the bond of marriage -- not I. I only break its bondage.
Oscar Wilde
My advice to you is to get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy: if not, you'll become a philosopher.
On the breakup of Harrison Ford's first marriage It wasn't because he became a star. In all relationships there are changes and the point is both partners have to change together.
Walter Beakel
Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner.
Amy Bloom
Successful marriage is always a triangle: a man, a woman, and God.
Cecil Myers
We didn't care, we were so happy to get married.
Irene Jones
Love is often the fruit of marriage.
A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.
Gloria Steinem
The mere idea of marriage, as a strong possibility, if not always nowadays a reasonable likelihood, existing to weaken the will by distracting its straight aim in the life of practically every young girl, is the simple secret of their confessed inferiority in men's pursuits and professions to-day.
William Bolitho
Evidently there are plenty of people in journalism who have neither got what they liked nor quite grown to like what they get. They write pieces they do not much enjoy writing, for papers they totally despise, and the sad process ends by ruining their style and disintegrating their personality, two developments which in a writer cannot be separate, since his personality and style must progress or deteriorate together, like a married couple in a country where death is the only permissible divorce.
Claud Cockburn
The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open.
Groucho Marx
If you wish to be happy for three days, get married.
Love is blind -- marriage is the eye-opener.
Pauline Thomason
Before marriage a man yearns for a woman. Afterward the ''y'' is silent.
W. A. Clarke
The gods gave man fire and he invented fire engines. They gave him love and he invented marriage.
If there be no great love in the beginning, yet heaven may decrease it upon better acquaintance, when we are married and have more occasion to know one another: I hope, upon familiarity will grow more contempt.
William Shakespeare, 'The Merry Wives of Windsor', Act 1 scene 1
A temporary insanity curable by marriage.
Ambrose Bierce
When I consider how little of a rarity children are -- that every street and blind alley swarms with them -- that the poorest people commonly have them in most abundance -- that there are few marriages that are not blest with at least one of these bargains -- how often they turn out ill, and defeat the fond hopes of their parents, taking to vicious courses, which end in poverty, disgrace, the gallows, etc. -- I cannot for my life tell what cause for pride there can possibly be in having them.
Charles Lamb
Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.
Henry Youngman
A simple enough pleasure, surely, to have breakfast alone with one's husband, but how seldom married people in the midst of life achieve it.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
No woman is really an insider in the institutions fathered by masculine consciousness. When we allow ourselves to believe we are, we lose touch with parts of ourselves defined as unacceptable by that consciousness; with the vital toughness and visionary strength of the angry grandmothers, the fierce market women of the Ibo's Women's War, the marriage-resisting women silk workers of pre-Revolutionary China, the millions of widows, midwives, and the women healers tortured and burned as witches for three centuries in Europe.
Adrienne Rich
The curse which lies upon marriage is that too often the individuals are joined in their weakness rather than in their strength --each asking from the other instead of finding pleasure in giving. It is even more deceptive to dream of gaining through the child a plenitude, a warmth, a value, which one is unable to create for oneself; the child brings joy only to the woman who is capable of disinterestedly desiring the happiness of another, to one who without being wrapped up in self seeks to transcend her own existence.
Simone De Beauvoir
All marriages are happy. It's living together afterwards that is difficult.
My whole working philosophy is that the only stable happiness for mankind is that it shall live married in blessed union to woman-kind --intimacy, physical and psychical between a man and his wife. I wish to add that my state of bliss is by no means perfect.
D. H. Lawrence
A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.
Andre Maurois
It should be a very happy marriage --- they are both so much in love with him.
Irene Thomas
Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness.
Madame De Rieux
A marriage is a series of friendships. Love serves as its underlying theme. Friendships provide it with the new challenges around which the relationship further develops. Each type of friendship with ones partner comes into being, rises to a peak of enthusiasm, and then wanes away in our cedar chest of sentimental values. Every once in a while we go to the chest and draw out a friendship item to give us a shot in the arm. Then we put it away till another day.
A marriage based on full confidence, based on complete and unqualified frankness on both sides; they are not keeping anything back; there's no deception underneath it all. If I might so put it, it's an agreement for the mutual forgiveness of sin.
Henrik Ibsen
You can forgive people who do not follow you through a philosophical disquisition; but to find your wife laughing when you had tears in your eyes, or staring when you were in a fit of laughter, would go some way towards a dissolution of the marriage.
Robert Louis Stevenson

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