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Motivational quotes, quotations, sayings

We talk on principal, but act on motivation.
Walter Savage Landor
A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning.
Pat Riley
The whole motivation for any performer is 'Look at me, Ma.'
Lenny Bruce
Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.
Lou Holtz
The greatest motivational act one person can do for another is to listen.
Roy Moody
We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it.
Peter F. Drucker
Your motivation? Your motivation is your pay packet on Friday. Now get on with it.
Noel Coward
The mechanics of industry is easy. The real engine is the people : Their motivation and direction.
Ken Gilbert
Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The most important thing about motivation is goal setting. You should always have a goal.
Francie Larrieu Smith
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
The moment avoiding failure becomes your motivation, you're down the path of inactivity. You stumble only if you're moving.
Roberto Goizueta
I succeed on my own personal motivation, dedication, and commitment?. My mindset is: If I'm not out there training, someone else is.
Lynn Jennings
It's funny how motivation and inspiration can be drawn from the strangest of places and situations, but boy, if feels damn good.
Rose B Mashigo
It's not my job to motivate players. They bring extraordinary motivation to our program. It's my job not to de-motivate them.
Lou Holtz
There's always the motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond winning.
Pat Riley
Motivation is an external, temporary high that PUSHES you forward. Inspiration is a sustainable internal glow which PULLS you forward.
Thomas Leonard
When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, 'It's in the script.' If he says, 'But what's my motivation, ' I say, 'Your salary.'
Alfred Hitchcock
I have come to the conclusion that my subjective account of my motivation is largely mythical on almost all occasions. I don't know why I do things.
John Burdon Sanderson Haldane
I don't believe in team motivation. I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on a field and be prepared to play a good game.
Tom Landry
Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can't be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people.
Lee Iacocca
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.
Les Brown
Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal -- a commitment to excellence -- that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Mario Andretti
When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation -- it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams.
Les Brown
Self-determination has to mean that the leader is your individual gut, and heart, and mind or we're talking about power, again, and its rather well-known impurities. Who is really going to care whether you live or die and who is going to know the most intimate motivation for your laughter and your tears is the only person to be trusted to speak for you and to decide what you will or will not do.
June Jordan
The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true -- action precedes motivation. You have to ''prime the pump'' and get the juice flowing, which motivates you to work on your goals. Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day.
Robert J. Mckain
Peter When I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.
Office Space
I am convinced that one of the logical reasons why ineffective and unmotivated learning so frequently occurs is because of the lack of motivation planning on the part of many instructors.. I contend that for an adult to learn and want to learn (motivated learning), motivation planning is necessary. Blaming the learners for being unresponsive to instruction that is actually poorly designed or implemented in terms of its motivational influence is a common reaction among many instructors.
Raymond J. Wlodkowski
The term 'learning disability' has appeal because it implies a specific neurological condition for which no one can be held particularly responsible, and yet it escapes the stigma of mental retardation. There is no implication of neglect, emotional disturbance, or improper training or education, nor does it imply a lack of motivation on the part of the child. For these cosmetic reasons, it is a rather nice term to have around.
U. S. Government Study On The Labeling Of Children
Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
Lee Iacocca
Deficiency motivation doesn't work. It will lead to a life-long pursuit of try to fix me. Learn to appreciate what you have and where and who you are.
Wayne Dyer
The creator is both detached and committed, free and yet ensnared, concerned but not too much so. If motivation is too strong the person is blinded; if the objective situation is too tightly structured, the person sees none of its alternative possibilities.
Robert Macleod
The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.
Rensis Likert
Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up's.
Peter J. Davies
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you can do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
Lou Holtz
Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
Donald Trump
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Jim Ryun
Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up s.
Peter Davies
The creator is both detached and committed, free and yet ensnared, concerned but not too much so. If motivation is too strong the person is blinded if the objective situation is too tightly structured, the person sees none of its alternative possibilities.
Robert Macleod
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
Lou Holtz

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