Hearing often-times the still, sad music of humanity, nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power to chasten and subdue. William Wordsworth
A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise. Niccolo Machiavelli
Isn't it strange that ... people build walls to keep an enemy out, and there's only one part of the world and one philosophy where they have to build walls to keep their people in Ronald Reagan
People usually are the happiest at home. William Shakespeare
Strength of mind rests in sobriety; for this keeps your reason unclouded by passion. Pythagoras
The chief assertion of religious morality is that white is a color. Virtue is not the absence of vices or the avoidance of moral dangers; virtue is a vivid and separate thing, like pain or a particular smell. Gilbert K. Chesterton
It was a virgin forest, a place where the Hand of Man had never set foot.
We are tainted by modern philosophy which has taught us that all is good, whereas evil has polluted everything and in a very real sense all is evil, since nothing is in its proper place. Joseph De Maistre
Yesterday is a cancelled checked and tomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have so spend it wisely and earnestly...and the most important is you love yourself and your family (including friends) with the guidance of GOD.And don't forget to take time and to smile much yellow
All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I to do? 3. What may I hope? Immanuel Kant
To keep our faces toward change, and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate, is strength undefeatable. Helen Keller
Great minds have purposes, other have wishes. Washington Irving
A patient mind is the best remedy for trouble. Plaut
Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. Denis Waitley
I should like to see any kind of a man, distinguishable from a gorilla that some good and even pretty woman could not shape a husband out of. Oliver Wendell Holmes
Speaking generally, punishment hardens and numbs, it produces obstinacy, it sharpens the sense of alienation and strengthens the power of resistance. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel sad I will laugh. If I feel ill I will double my labor. If I feel fear I will plunge ahead. If I feel inferior I will wear new garments. If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice. If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come. If I feel incompetent I will think of past success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals. Today I will be the master of my emotions. Og Mandino
Digressions, incontestably, are the sunshine; they are the life, the soul of reading! Take them out of this book, for instance, --you might as well take the book along with them; --one cold external winter would reign in every page of it; restore them to the writer; --he steps forth like a bridegroom, --bids All-hail; brings in variety, and forbids the appetite to fail. Laurence Sterne
Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. Plato
I've got to have a place where I can find peace of mind. Princess of Wales Diana
War is thus divine in itself, since it is a law of the world. War is divine through its consequences of a supernatural nature which are as much general as particular. War is divine in the mysterious glory that surrounds it and in the no less inexplicable attraction that draws us to it. War is divine by the manner in which it breaks out. Joseph De Maistre
Is not the tremendous strength in men of the impulse to creative work in every field precisely due to their feeling of playing a relatively small part in the creation of living beings, which constantly impels them to an overcompensation in achievement? Karen Horney
Formal symbolic representation of qualitative entities is doomed to its rightful place of minor significance in a world where flowers and beautiful women abound. Albert Einstein
The gap between ideals and actualities, between dreams and achievements, the gap that can spur strong men to increased exertions, but can break the spirit of others -- this gap is the most conspicuous, continuous land mark in American history. It is conspicuous and continuous not because Americans achieve little, but because they dream grandly. The gap is a standing reproach to Americans; but it marks them off as a special and singularly admirable community among the world's peoples. George F. Will
Learning occurs in the mind, independent of time and place. Plato